


  CAT No. Description 단위/갯수 Price[VAT별도]
  NA.R100//12B FURNACE,1500도,C42 1/EA  
  NA.R100//12B FURNACE,1100도,C42 1/EA  
  NA.R100//12B FURNACE,1100도,C6 1/EA  
  NA.R100//12B FURNACE,1300도,C42 1/EA  
  NA.R100//12B FURNACE,1300도,C6 1/EA  
  - Available for Tmax 1100℃, 1300℃ or 1500℃
  - Simple and Compact construction
  - Suitable for verical or horizontal operation
  - These compact tube furnaces are used to enable laboratory experiments to be carried out in either a horizontal or vertical position or at a particular angle.
  - 작고 단순한 구조로 고안되어 있음
  - 실험시 수직/수평 등 각도 조절이 가능하여 사용이 편리함
  - Ceramic Tube with heating element
  - 2-type of Controller :
  1) C6 Program Controller + Switchgear :
  · 1℃, 1분 단위로 정확하게 Program
  · 실제 온도가 표시되는 LCD Display
  · One Heating-up Ramp 시간 조절
  · Reproducible Accuracy better than ±3℃
  2) 고정밀 온도조절용 Program Controller C42 :
  · 9 Application Programs, Each with 18 Segments
  · LCD Display, 날짜/시간 Program
  · 재현성 : ±2 K
  · Control Parameter 조절기능
  · Type B Thermocouple 내장
  · 시작을 Programming할 수 있는 Automatic Timer

- NA.RO 50.250/11/C6 - Tmax(1100), Controller type(C6) Outer size(580*450*750), Tube(50), Heated Length(250), Tube Length(360),

  Voltage(230V 1/N), Power(1.8), Weight(21), Ea.price(1,576.55)


- NA.RO 50.250/11/C42 - Tmax(1100), Controller type(C42) Outer size(580*450*750), Tube(50), Heated Length(250), Tube Length(360),

  Voltage(230V 1/N), Power(1.8), Weight(21), Ea.price(4,339.85)


- NA.RO 50.250/13/C6 - Tmax(1300), Controller type(C6) Outer size(580*450*750), Tube(50), Heated Length(250), Tube Length(360),

  Voltage(230V 1/N), Power(1.8), Weight(36), Ea.price(4,650.95)


- NA.RO 50.250/13/C42 - Tmax(1300), Controller type(C42) Outer size(580*450*750), Tube(50), Heated Length(250), Tube Length(360),

  Voltage(230V 1/N), Power(1.8), Weight(36), Ea.price(5,739.80)


- NA.RO 30.200/15/C42 - Tmax(1500), Controller type(C42) Outer size(580*450*750), Tube(30), Heated Length(200), Tube Length(360),

  Voltage(230V 1/N), Power(1.8), Weight(36), Ea.price(9,286.34)