The Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) sensor allows you to measure the ability of a solution to act as an oxidizing or reducing agent. The ORP sensor is a non-Auto ID sensor that is provided with an electrode amplifier.
Urbanti High - speed Filte...
Test tube Brush (시험관 솔)
Test Tube Baskets (스텐 시...
Flow Rate Sensor
PYREX® Disposable Flat Bot...
Anopore Inorganic Membrane...
Cell Culture Track Etched ...
Salinity Sensor
Temperature Probe
Thermocouple Temperature P...
Wide Range Temperature Probe
General Purpose pH Sensor
Fluoride Ion Selective Ele...
Calcium Ion Selective Elec...
Ammonium Ion Selective Ele...
Dissolved Oxygen
ORP Sensor
Conductivity Sensor
Impact and Force Plate
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