관리자 2021-10-27 14:16:57
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This intensive product development has produced a range of products that is being used to monitor production plants and conduct microbiological checks on raw materials through to final product release in laboratories in more than 40 countries.

Features and benefits
ㆍWide range of products satisfies even special customer requirements
ㆍOptimal media stability, sterility, and reproducibility
ㆍLess time-consuming, higher productivity
ㆍBatch-specific quality certificate in each pack


Media variety and flexibility
Do you use ready-to-use media in 2 ml ampoules? Are you looking for nutrient media that are specifically suited to the cultivation of colonies after microfiltration? Would you perhaps like to fill your own agar plates? No matter what your specific needs, our extensive range of ready-to-use or prepared media products is available for just about any application. Liquid media products come with a host of advantages, too. Aseptic preparation of nutrient media saves you valuable time and keeps costs to a minimum. All media undergo detailed quality control checks in accordance with recognized methods, guaranteeing uniform media preparation at all times. Lastly, our more comprehensive end product tests ensure optimal growth as well as stable and sterile media.


Media Descriptions
Brilliant Green Bile Broth 2%
BGBB contains two inhibitors of both gram-positive and selected gram-negative organisms, namely, oxgall and brilliant green dye. Fermentation is detected by gas production.


Cetrimide Broth
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is characterized by the production of pyocyanin (a blue green, water soluble, non-fluorescent, phenazine pigment) which is stimulated by the inclusion of magnesium chloride and potassium sulfate in the broth. Cetrimide (N-cetyl-NNN-trimethylammonium bromide) is added to inhibit bacteria other than Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Its action as a quaternary ammonium cationic detergent causes nitrogen and phosphorous to be released from bacterial cells other than Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


EC Broth
EC Broth contains casein peptone as a source of nutrients. Lactose provides the carbohydrate fermented by coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli. In addition, lactose-positive bacteria metabolize lactose with gas formation. Gram-positive bacteria are inhibited by the mixture of bile salts.


EC Broth with MUG
The presence of fluorescence using a long-wave UV light source confirms the presence of Escherichia coli and no further confirmation is required. MUG detects anaerogenic strains, which may not be detected in the conventional procedure. Lactose is a source of energy. Casein peptone provides additional nutrients. The mixture of bile salts is inhibiting for gram-positive bacteria, particularly bacilli and fecal streptococci. The substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-b-D-glucuronide is hydrolyzed by an enzyme, b-glucuronidase, possessed by most Escherichia coli and a few strains of Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia, to produce a fluorescent end product, 4-methylumbelliferone.


Enterococcus Broth
Enterococcus Broth is a modified version of the improved media described by Slanetz and Bartley with TTC. The membrane filtration method is simple to perform, does not require confirmation and permits a direct count of enterococci in 48 hours.


HPC Broth with TTC
HPC is used to determine total count at incubation temperatures of 35°C. All bacteria develop on HPC with indicator media and produce a red color as a result of the precipitation of formazan following the reduction of 2,3,5- triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) by bacteria.


KF-Streptococcus Broth
KF-Streptococcus Broth is selective for the determination of fecal streptococci in polluted surface waters. Maltose and lactose are fermentable carbohydrates, sodium azide is the selective agent and brom cresol purple is the indicator dye.


Lauryl Sulfate or Lauryl Tryptose Broth
This media was developed for the detection of coliform organisms by the American Public Health Association (APHA). It is now the standard medium of choice in the presumptive phase of the standard coliform MPN test for the microbiological examination of water.


Mannitol Salt Broth
Because of the amount of peptones and beef extract, Mannitol Salt is a nutrient rich medium. Most bacteria (other than staphylococci) are inhibited by the high concentration of sodium chloride. Organisms capable of fermenting mannitol, e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, cause a pH change in the media. With phenol red as the pH indicator the colonies appear with a yellow coloration.


Membrane Lauryl Sulfate Broth
This media was developed for the detection of coliform organisms and is now the media of choice for the enumeration of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in the United Kingdom. This media replaced membrane enriched broth containing 0.4% Teepol 610.


M-Endo Coliform Broth
M-Endo is a red colored media, which needs to be stored in the dark to prevent discoloration. Gram-positive bacteria are inhibited on this media by the desoxycholate and lauryl sulfate. The addition of ethanol increases the antibacterial nature of the formulation. Lactose fermenting organisms form aldehydes, which react with Schiff’s reagent (basic fuchsin and sodium sulfite) to give red colored zones around the colonies. Coliform colonies are therefore red with a characteristic metallic sheen.


M-FC Broth
Allows the development of fecal coliforms at elevated temperatures (44.5°C).


M-FC with Rosolic Acid
M-FC with Rosolic Acid acts and functions in the same way as M-FC Broth. Rosolic acid inhibits bacterial growth in general, except for fecal coliforms.


M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth
M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth is an improved modification of the liquid media. The addition of bromocresol green, which diffuses into fungal colonies as an alkaline reaction, allows them to be easily identified. Metabolic by-products from the developing colonies diffuse into the surrounding medium, further reducing the pH which aids in the inhibition of bacterial growth, but also produces an acid reaction that causes residual bromocresol green to change to yellow.


M-Green Select Broth
M-Green Select Broth was developed to improve efficiency of detection and enumeration of fungi in sugar based drinks using the membrane filtration method. This medium has a low pH, which inhibits bacterial growth. The addition of chloramphenicol further inhibits the growth of bacteria to allow for the development and enumeration of yeast and mold.


MI Broth and MI Agar
MI Broth detects the presence of coliform bacteria by the production of b-galactosidase, which cleaves the substrate MUGal to produce 4-methylumbelliferone, which fluoresces on exposure to UV light. Non-coliforms do not produce this enzyme and therefore do not fluoresce on the medium. Escherichia coli is detected by the compound IBDG. The b-glucuronidase produced by Escherichia coli cleaves the substrate to produce a blue indigo color in the colonies. As Escherichia coli is also a total coliform, and also produces b-galactosidase, it will also fluoresce. The antibiotic cefsulodin is present to inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria and some non-coliform gram-negative bacteria that can cause false positive reactions.


MRS Broth
MRS medium supports luxuriant growth of all lactobacilli, even the slow growing species.


M-TGE Total Count Media
All bacteria develop on TGE media and produce a range of different colored and sized colonies.


range Serum Media
Organisms known to grow in single strength and concentrated juices are lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria and yeast. Lactobacilli, Leuconostoc and yeast have all been identified as spoilage organisms by numerous authors. Orange serum at pH 5.4 to 5.6 has been reported to yield maximum counts of all types of spoilage organisms in mixed cultures and in single culture comparison tests.


Potato Dextrose Broth and Agar Media
Potato Dextrose Broth is recommended in Standard Methods as the media that gives the most consistent and highest counts for the recoveries of yeast and mold in dairy products. The inclusion of potato extract encourages the growth and development of fungi. Sterile tartaric acid may be added to lower the pH to 3.5 ± 0.2 to further inhibit the growth of conflicting bacteria.


Pseudomonas Broth
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is characterized by the production of pyocyanin (a blue green, water soluble, non-fluorescent, phenazine pigment) which is stimulated by the inclusion of magnesium chloride and potassium sulfate in the broth. Irgasan, an antimicrobial agent, selectively inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria other than pseudomonads. Glycerol both serves as an energy source and helps in the promotion of pyocyanin.


Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
Peptone in the media is used as a nitrogen source for the development of fungi. Dextrose acts as an energy source for the growth of microorganisms. The low pH is favorable for the development of fungi, especially dermatophytes, but at the same time inhibits the development of contaminating bacteria from clinical specimens.


Standard Methods Agar
All bacteria develop on Standard Methods and produce a range of different colored and sized colonies.


Total Count Media with TTC
All bacteria develop on Total Count Media with indicator and produce a red color as a result of the precipitation of formazan following the reduction of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) by bacteria.

Trypticase Soy Broth – Single Strength
General purpose medium used in qualitative procedures for the cultivation of fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms. Trypticase Soy Broth – Single Strength complies with the demands of the DIN Norm 10167 for the detection of Escherichia coli serotype 0157:H7 in foods and FDA-BAM for the isolation of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). In addition the media conforms to the formula of the US Pharmacopoeia.

Trypticase Soy Broth – Double Strength
TSB is a medium that will support the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms including aerobic, facultative, and anaerobic bacteria and fungi.

Wallerstein Nutrient Broth (WL) and WL Differential Broth (WLD)
WL Nutrient Broth is for the cultivation and enumeration of yeast and WL Differential Broth is for determination of bacterial count. Use of the medium at pH 5.5 and incubation at 25°C will give reliable counts for brewer’s yeast. Adjustment of the pH to 6.5 and incubation at 30°C allows for the selective growth of baker’s and distiller’s yeast.


Ordering Information - Liquid Media


Catalog Number Description
2 mL Ampoules
10496146 Cetrimide Broth, 50/pk
10496120 Enterococcus Broth, 50/pk
10496151 HPC Broth, 50/pk
10496125 KF-Streptococcus Broth, 50/pk
10496121 Mannitol Salt Broth, 50/pk
10496187 Membrane Lauryl Sulfate PHLS/UK, 50pk
10496103 M-Endo Coliform Broth, 50/pk
10496124 M-FC media, 50/pk
10496114 M-FC Broth with rosolic acid, 50/pk
10496116 M-Green Select Broth, 50/pk
10496101 M-Green Yeast and Mold Broth, 50/pk
10496192 MI-Broth Media, 50/pk
10496112 MRS Broth, 50/pk
10496102 M-TGE Broth, 50/pk
10496104 Orange Serum Broth, 50/pk
10496119 Pseudomonas Broth, 50/pk
10496113 Total Count Broth with TTC, 50/pk
10496108 Wallerstein Broth, 50/pk
10496109 Wallerstein Differential Broth, 50/pk
9 mL Tubes
10496710 Brilliant Green Bile Bottled Broth, with Durham tubes, 20/pk
10496714 EC Bottled Broth, with Durham tubes, 20/pk
10496709 EC with MUG, Bottled Broth, 20/pk
Bottled Media
10496700 M-Endo Coliform Bottled Broth, 50 ml, Screw cap, 8/pk
10496164 Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Broth, 2 ml , 50/pk
10496851 MI Media, Bottled Broth, 50 ml, 1/pk
10496847 MI Media, Bottled Agar, 50 ml, 1/pk
10496705 M-Green Yeast and Mold Bottled Agar, 100 ml, 1/pk
10496713 Orange Serum Bottled Agar, 100 ml, 1/pk
10496731 Potato Dextrose Bottled Agar, 100 ml, 1/pk
10496706 Standard Bottled Agar, 100 ml, 1/pk
10496707 Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) Single strength, Bottled Broth, 100 ml, 1/pk
10496708 Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) Double strength, Bottled Broth, 100 ml, 1/pk