


Waters offers affordable, high-performance binary and isocratic pumps that are easy to use and reliable. The integrated, high-pressure binary HPLC pumps feature on-board pulse dampening and efficient mixing; their pulse-free solvent flow makes them ideal for use with highly sensitive detectors. You can also obtain the same performance in an isocratic version.
Pump Name Flow Rate
1525 Micro Binary HPLC Pump Low flow rates
1525 Binary HPLC Pump Standard analytical flow rates to Semi-preparative flow rates
1525 with Extended Flow Head Standard analytical flow rates to Semi-preparative flow rates
1515 Isocratic HPLC Pump Standard analytical flow rates to Semi-preparative flow rates

The 1500 pump series also offers:
· Precise stepper motor control (48 steps/µL resolution) of dual reciprocating pistons
· Non-circular drive gears for smooth, uniform eluent delivery
· Optional 1500 Series Column Heater with a temperature range of 20 to 60 °C to maintain accurate, consistent column temperature
· Optional integral vacuum degasser (standard on the 1525µ) to remove dissolved gases from the mobile phase and improve performance

  and reliability
· Optional automated seal wash to extend the primary seal life for reliable operation

The pumps are compatible with Waters Sample Managers, Detectors, and Waters software controls (Breeze™, Empower™, and MassLynx™)

The 1525 Micro Binary HPLC Pump meets the low-flow needs of LC, LC/MS, and LC/MS/MS applications. Its minimized pump volume allows for increased sample throughput.
Column Internal Diameter Flow Rate Low delay volume
Works with 1 to 2 mm ID columns Programmable up to 5.00 mL/min 100 µL with mixer, <30 µL without mixer
The pump features an integral vacuum degasser to remove dissolved gases from the mobile phase improving performance and reliability. Use multiple 1525µ Binary HPLC Pumps in multiplexed configurations for compound screening, method development and compound characterization applications

Optional features:
· 1500 Series Column Heater with a temperature range of 20 to 60 °C to maintain accurate, consistent column temperature
· Automated seal wash helps extend the primary seal life for reliable operation.
HPLC Solvent Management
Waters HPLC pumps enable you to customize HPLC systems to accommodate your solvent delivery needs, whether for isocratic or gradient, analytical or preparative.
Isocratic Solvent Delivery
Column ID (mm) Max Flow Rate (mL/min) Fluid Handling Unit Sample Load Software
2.0 to 4.6 10 515 mg to g MassLynx, Empower
2.0 to 4.6 10 1515 mg to g MassLynx, Empower, Breeze
Gradient Solvent Delivery
Column ID (mm) Max Flow Rate (mL/min) Fluid Handling Unit Sample Load
7.8 to 75 300 DeltaPrep™ 300 mL mg to 10s g
4.6 to 50 150 DeltaPrep 150 mL mg to g
4.6 to 50 150 2545 Binary Gradient Module mg to g
3.9 to 30 45 Delta 600EF mg to 10s mg
3.9 to 19 22.5 1525 Binary HPLC Pump and EF Kit mg to 10s mg
3.9 to 19 20 Delta 600 mg to 10s mg
3.9 to 7.8 10 1525 Binary HPLC Pump mg to mg 
  - Reagent Manager
  - In-Line Degasser
  - Prep Degasser