

■ Automatic Large volume Cell culture Bioreactor
■ Designed to scale cultures up to production volume of cells or products

The composition and function is same as the Cell Optimizer system, but temperature is 
maintained by the use of a heating blanket which eliminates the need for an incubator 
and stirring speed is achieved by manual setting of the Overdrive™ system. 
The Mini-Pilot Plant™ system includes a Control Tower™, support Unit, Overdrive™, 
heating blanket, sparger, and a choice of a 19 liter(6 sidearm) or 45 liter(7 sidearm) vessel. 
The Control Tower™ and support Unit automatically control pH via base addtion and CO₂,gas, 
and dissolved oxygen utilizing air, O₂, and N₂ gases.

특징 (Features)

* 대용량의 세포 배양 생산을 위한 19-/45-Lit. Vessel과 Motorized Stirrer(20 ~ 150 rpm)가 
  적용되었고, 적용분야가 실험용이라기 보다는 Production(생산)을 위한 용도임.
* 구성과 기능 : “Cell Optimizer System”과 구조와 기능이 동일하나, Mini-Piot 
                Plant™은 온도가 Heating Blanket에 의해 유지되고, Overdrive System에
                의해 교반속도가 조절됨.
* 적용분야 (Main Areas of Use) 
 ㆍ 항체나 바이러스 생산 / Antibody or Virus Production
 ㆍ Pilot plant 시험 / Pilot Plant Sudies
 ㆍ 경제적 다량 세포 생산 / Economical Mass Cell Production

주문 (Ordering)
WH.WI055184.C    Mini-Pilot Plant complete, 10 Lit.
WH.WI055105.C    Mini-Pilot Plant complete, 19 Lit.
WH.WI055107.C    Mini-Pilot Plant complete, 45 Lit.

Optional Accessories
WH.I057617    Cold Finger
* For 19 or 45 liter Mini-Pilot Plant * 316L Stainless steel
WH.I057502    Sampler with plug valve, For the 19 or 45 Lit. Mini-Pilot Plant, 30.5cm
                   * 316L Stainless steel
                   * Sampling하는 동안 중성을 유지시켜주는 Plug valve가 함께 공급됨.
WH.I057621    Heating Wrap, 19 Lit., 220V, 700 W
WH.I057622    Heating Wrap, 45 Lit., 220V, 960 W
                   *Heating Wrap을 Support Unit에 연결, Control Tower(R)로 조절함.

WH.WI055105.C (신 no. WH.W350050.C) MINI-PILOT,PLANT,19L
WH.WI055107.C (신 no. WH.W350060.C) MINI-PILOT,PLANT,45L
WH.WI055184.C (신 no. WH.W350040.C) MINI-PILOT,PLANT,10L
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