■ 용도(Applications)
* Ideal for Media kitchens-Microbiology labs, Medical labs / Dental Surgeries, Bacteriology / Pathology / Public health / Pharmaceutical Labs, Microelectornics, Clean-room Work, Powder Handling, Schools & Unversity.
■ 특징(Features)
* 오염 Gas배출 Duct-system이 없는(Don’t Need) 무공해-Fume Hood ! 그 해답(Solution)은, “Safelab”의 “Clean Filtration-Fume Hood”에서 !! Clean Labs/대기오염방지/Save Energy/배출설비건축비 절약/Save Space !! by “COSHH”-Control of Substances Hazardous to Health-위해물질건강관리법.
* Carbon filter combined with HEPA filter.
* Horizontal airflow with efficient scavenging effect across the whole worktop.
* All metal construction with high quality polyester-epoxy powder coated finish.
* Easy to install, versatile, economical - supplied also with its own trolley for ‘mobile’ applications.
* Portable chemical fume cupboard in medical laboratories, pharmacies, schools, colleges,universities.
* Fitted with HEPA filter it is ideal for powder handling / weighing in media kitchens, microbiology labs. Fitted with Carbon Filter adopted by Histopathology-, Public Health- and Pharmaceutical laboratories.
* Portable Compact형 (w67 xd61×h88 cm)으로 설치공간의 최소화 경제형임. Table to Table, Room to Room
* 투명하고 넓은 2단접이식 Front Methacrylate Sash(앞문)로 편리한 작업에 쉬운작동.
* High Quality - Beautiful - Strong Body : 고급 Polyester-Epoxy Powder Coating이 된 All metal 구조임.
* Stainless Steel Worktop with Round Edged Lip : 오염을 극소화 하고, 엎지러진 내용물이 밖으로 흘러내리지 않도록 Lip(턱)이 있는 작업판.
* Horizontal Airflow에, Gasflow를 유도하는 Back-baffle을 통하여, Upper Section에서 Filtering 정화된 공기는 Top Blower/Fan을 통해 Room으로 Recirculation 됨.
* 합리적인 Gas-Filtering System : Filter 교체가 용이한 Body System. 1×Pre-filter → 1×Main-filter (Option) → 1×Blower/Fan → Room.
* 용도에 따라 HEPA-filter나 Security Carbon-filter를 Main Filter와 교체가능 (Option)
* Filters 에 대해서는 본 Page하부와 본 Hood Section 뒷부분의 “Safelab-Filters” 를 참조.
* 안전 가시경보 장치 : Visual (red) Adustable Airflow-Alarm * Blower-motor 는 Brushless / Sparkless (방폭모타)로 Centrifugal 형임.
* Gas를 실외로 배출할 수 있는 Duct설치도 가능한 배출구 (Φ15Cm)도 있음.
■ 규격(Specifications)
* Filters : 1×Pre-filter, Size “A”, 1×Main Carbon Filter Size “A” (Option) * On/Off Switch : Mains / Light / Blower Fan * Microswitch : On Front Panel * Noiseless : 소음이 거의 없이 조용함 (60dB 이하)
* Fuse : 2×Mains (0.5A) * 경제적인 전력소모 : 170W, 0.8A, 230V/50Hz
* 조명등 : 형광등 18W
* Dimensions : Internal - w64×d60×h45 cm, External - w67×d61×h88 cm